A bootleg recording of our show in Quebec, from our mini-tour of Canada in support of The Slackers!
Free download (or pay-what-you-please) on Bandcamp. No subscription to Bandcamp needed and you can listen on the site for free anytime!
Now on Vinyl!
Every now and then …
Limited-edition, two-tone vinyl
$20 - with FREE U.S. shipping!
(International shipping available, too!)
Available on all the streaming services. But you know you want vinyl.
“But I want a CD!”
We’ve got what you need.
And for only $10 plus a buck for shipping. You can Venmo us at @Some-Ska-Band or PayPal us at SomeSkaBand@gmail.com
“But I want an 8-track!
No you don’t.
But if you really need one, we can hook you up. These are real 8-tracks with our real EP information on the real sticker. There’s real music on the 8-track, too! Just not us. It’s whatever 8-track we put our real sticker on. A great conversation piece and, perhaps, great tunes. We don’t know, we don’t have an 8-track player. If you seriously need one of these limited-edition items, drop us a note.