A bootleg recording of our show in Quebec, from our mini-tour of Canada in support of The Slackers!

Free download (or pay-what-you-please) on Bandcamp. No subscription to Bandcamp needed and you can listen on the site for free anytime!

Now on Vinyl!

Every now and then …


Limited-edition, two-tone vinyl

$20 - with FREE U.S. shipping!

(International shipping available, too!)

Available on all the streaming services. But you know you want vinyl.

Seven songs to get you moving

"Better Together" voted one of the top 10 releases of 2022 by fans of the world's most-popular online ska group - Button Down Radio

“But I want a CD!”

We’ve got what you need.

And for only $10 plus a buck for shipping. You can Venmo us at @Some-Ska-Band or PayPal us at SomeSkaBand@gmail.com

“But I want an 8-track!

No you don’t.

But if you really need one, we can hook you up. These are real 8-tracks with our real EP information on the real sticker. There’s real music on the 8-track, too! Just not us. It’s whatever 8-track we put our real sticker on. A great conversation piece and, perhaps, great tunes. We don’t know, we don’t have an 8-track player. If you seriously need one of these limited-edition items, drop us a note.